Dawn on Life

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How I Take My Instagram Photos

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A lot of people have the misconception that to achieve a bomb Instagram photo you need Photographer Bae. I'm here to tell you that you don't! You need a Selfie Photo starter pack. While I was unemployed, I found myself diving into hobbies to keep my sanity. One hobby was photography, but the thing was I didn't have anyone to take pictures of, so I started to take def portraits for my blog. Keep reading to find out how to make your best self-portrait.

What you need:



Camera Remote 

My Gear:


Camera Lens

Tripod (

Option 1


Option 2


Remote (

Option 1


Option 2


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Test Shoot before snapping away.

When I find a spot, I will set up my tripod and take a picture of where I intend to stand. Then I examine the photo, make sure there isn't anything distracting in the background.

Then I will stand In front of the camera and take a few shots to check the camera to make sure settings are right. Once settings are proper, I take a bunch of photos and pose.

Pinterest Inspiration Boards

I will admit posing is a struggle for me. I usually create a Pinterest Board to get inspiration.

Bomb Self-Portraits Tips 

  • Shoot during hours where it isn't a lot of traffic (to avoid stares)

  • If I shoot During the week, I will shoot in the morning before lunchtime.

  • Opt for a location away from busy foot traffic

  • I shot in Wynwood. It's a popular street district in Miami. I would find a street away from the main heavy traffic streets.

  • Pack your bags the night before

  • There have been many times I would throw everything together in my bag before leaving, and it never failed that I left something behind ( I left my camera battery and tripod mount).

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