Photoshoot Props
Photography Deirdre Photography Deirdre

Photoshoot Props

With this time home and self-quarantine, I've been falling back in love with photography again. I've used my free time to do self-portraits and test out new hacks and ideas. Taking self-portraits can be intimidating, but I found incorporating props into the photo makes it different and amusing. Do you ever struggle with what to do with your hands, or should you look off to the left or right?

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Ring Light Accessories
Photography, Tech Deirdre Photography, Tech Deirdre

Ring Light Accessories

To achieve a picture-perfect image and video having great lighting is key. A year ago I purchased the Neewer 18-inch Neewer Ring Light. I instantly fell in love with my photos using the ring light. Before purchasing the ring light I used umbrella lights. I did not like setting up and storing the umbrella lights because it was a bit time-consuming. Setting up the Neewer ring light is simple and no need for light bulbs. If you have a ring light keep reading for accessories you will love.

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Quarantine Creativity Photoshoots
Photography, Content Creation Deirdre Photography, Content Creation Deirdre

Quarantine Creativity Photoshoots

Over the weekend I felt my anxiety and depression creeping up and I knew it was because I was idle with my time and energy. I thought to myself what if I create something new every day of the week. Then I pushed it a step further what if I create something every day and share it on social media and put myself out there to hold myself accountable for following thru with this challenge. I not going to lie I was so nervous because I didn't want people to think I was being vain or not in tune that people are sick, dying, and risking there lives daily. Despite all of my fears of what people would think I decided to follow thru and created the #DawnOnCreativity challenge for myself.

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