Ring Light Accessories
Photography, Tech Deirdre Photography, Tech Deirdre

Ring Light Accessories

To achieve a picture-perfect image and video having great lighting is key. A year ago I purchased the Neewer 18-inch Neewer Ring Light. I instantly fell in love with my photos using the ring light. Before purchasing the ring light I used umbrella lights. I did not like setting up and storing the umbrella lights because it was a bit time-consuming. Setting up the Neewer ring light is simple and no need for light bulbs. If you have a ring light keep reading for accessories you will love.

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Quarantine Creativity Photoshoots
Photography, Content Creation Deirdre Photography, Content Creation Deirdre

Quarantine Creativity Photoshoots

Over the weekend I felt my anxiety and depression creeping up and I knew it was because I was idle with my time and energy. I thought to myself what if I create something new every day of the week. Then I pushed it a step further what if I create something every day and share it on social media and put myself out there to hold myself accountable for following thru with this challenge. I not going to lie I was so nervous because I didn't want people to think I was being vain or not in tune that people are sick, dying, and risking there lives daily. Despite all of my fears of what people would think I decided to follow thru and created the #DawnOnCreativity challenge for myself.

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