Quarantine Creativity Photoshoots

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After one quarantine week due to state-mandated stay at home orders, I spent the time to dial back. I needed time to navigate my emotions and anxiety with the pandemic. Once week two of staying home hit, I started to feel antsy.

A characteristic of myself is that I do not have a way with words. Expressing myself eloquently with words and writing is not my thing. I felt the best way to express myself is through creating things. I was creating something photography related or a craft DIY project. I come alive when I create something, and I can look at my creation.

Over the weekend, I felt my anxiety and depression creeping up, and I knew it was because I was idle with my time and energy. I thought to myself, what if I create something new every day of the week. Then I pushed it a step further what if I create something every day and share it on social media and put myself out there to hold myself accountable for following thru with this challenge. I am not going to lie. I was so nervous because I didn't want people to think I was vain or not in tune that people are sick, dying, and risking there lives daily. Despite all of my fears of what people would think, I decided to follow thru and created the #DawnOnCreativity challenge for myself. I watched many youtube videos about finding creative ways to shoot indoors. I incorporated my cost-effective props around the house to have each photo idea to come to life.

Day 1: Good News

Prop $3.99 Newspaper Backdrop

Day 2: Spring Flowers

Prop Hydrangeas and Baby Breaths Publix Flowers

Day 3: Candle Zen

Prop Yoga Mat Plants and Amazon DIY Candle Making Kit

Day 4: Galaxy

Prop TV playing Youtube Galaxy wallpaper

Day 5: Everything That Glitters

Prop Gold foil tissue paper and gold glitter

Day 6: Creative

Prop Stool and Plants

Day 7: Guitar

Prop Guitar


Check out my TikTok to see quick 15 second behind the scenes from the photoshoots.


Bedroom Update


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